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A scientific visit to the Rum Nature Reserve


​On Thursday, 11/5/2023, the School of Basic and Marine Sciences organized a scientific visit to the Rum Nature Reserve, in coordination between Ms. Majdoleen Sbeihat, and the administration of the Rum Nature Reserve, with the aim of informing the students of the school about the manifestations of biodiversity within the reserve in terms of the types of plants and animals that live in it and the types of rocks and regions prevailing vitality in the Rum region, as well as learning about the history of the city of Rum and the most important civilizations that inhabited it. The visit included a visit to the Rum Visitor Center and listening to Professor Awad Al-Muzna, Head of the Environmental Awareness Department in the reserve, to a detailed scientific explanation about the reserve, in addition to visiting the most important known tourist sites in the reserve. The scientific visit was supervised by Dr. Anas Tawalbeh, the head of the joint departments in the school, and Ins.Majduleen Sbaihat, the owner of the idea of the activity, and Ins.Iman Al-Absi, participated in it. About 30 students from the biological sciences and mathematics departments in the school participated in it.​

School of Basic and Marine Sciences
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