
Talk by Dr. Tania Mazzuca, University of Almeria-Spain


The Faculty of Marine Sciences, represented by Dr. Zeinab Arabeyyat organized the visiting of Dr. Tania Mazzuca from the University of Almeria-Spain to Aqaba, Jordan from 22/7/2018 to 26/7/2018. ​Dr. Tania Mazzuca gave two lectures at the auditorium on the campus of the University of Jordan, Aqaba Branch. The first lecture was: Application of microalgae for economic sustainable development and the second one was: Culturing microalgae from Petri Plates to large scale photobioreactors. Then two experiments were performed at the Marine Science Station laboratories. The first experiment was: Osmotic dehydration of microalgae cultures by forward osmosis, and the second was: β-phycoerythrin extraction with glycerol.

At the end of her visit, Dr. Mazzuca went to the aquarium at MSS and enjoyed a scuba diving with Dr. Zeinab to watch the unique biodiversity at the Gulf of Aqaba​

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Created at 10/15/2018 2:51 PM by eman al-absi
Last modified at 2/22/2020 5:36 PM by amirah alriyati