OceanX Live with Dr. Zeinab Arabeyyat: Marine Molecular Diversity in the Jordanian Gulf of Aqaba.

As part of OceanX Expedition in Jordan July 2022, an Online Live Educational Class with Dr. Zeinab Arabeyyat was held on Wednesday 20th July.

Class title: OceanX Live Molecular Diversity of Marine Communities in the Jordanian Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea with Dr. Arabeyyat who was aboard in the research vessel, the OceanXplorer, in the Red Sea part of an expedition in the Gulf of Aqaba, in partnership with ASEZA. The expedition is coming in implementation to the Royal Directive of His Majesty King Abdullah II to establish the Aqaba Marine Park as an international research hub destination.

All students from all majors were advised to attend, as this is a great opportunity to become familiar with the marine topics, learn more about the mysteries in the Jordanian Gulf of Aqaba and to discover the high-tech scientific facilities of OceanXplorer; The most advanced exploration, research, and media vessel ever built.

YouTube (English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X-PDXXKs_I

YouTube (Arabic): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=575LZUaZoYI&feature=youtu.be

School of Basic and Marine Sciences
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