Business Collaboration

Business Collaboration
Memorandum of Understanding
1- Signing of a memorandum of understanding on scientific cooperation with Mote Marine Laboratory, Serasota, Florida, USA. Signing of a memorandum of understanding on scientific cooperation between the School of Basic and Marine Sciences/ The University of Jordan- Aqaba Branch and Mote Marine Laboratory, Serasota, Florida, USA. 29/6/2011.
2- Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Marine Sciences and the Center for Tropical Research Institute ZMT in Germany. Ceremony signing a memorandum of understanding between the School of Basic and Marine Sciences and the Center for Tropical Research Institute ZMT in Germany, 10/04/2012, in The University of Jordan / Aqaba Branch.
3- Memorandum of Understanding between the ADC and the School of Basic and Marine Sciences at the University of Jordan / Aqaba Branch. Signed a memorandum of understanding between the ADC and the Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Jordan Aqaba Branch, Thursday, 17.05.2012 in the office of the authority of Aqaba Special Economic Zone and the presence of the Chief branch of the University of Jordan in Aqaba. Prof. Reda Khawaldeh . Agreement was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Marine Sciences Prof. Ahmad Abu Hilal from Jordan University, and the Executive Director Engineer Ghassan Ghanem from ADC . The signing ceremony under the patronage of the President the authority of Aqaba Special Economic Zone Engineer Nasser Madadha in the presence of a number of members of the faculty of Marine Sciences at the University.

School of Basic and Marine Sciences
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