Education & Research

Facilities and resources:
All the facilities and infrastructure that are required for a successfull achievement of a B.Sc. degree in Biological Science are available at the School of Basic and Marine Sciences and the Marine Science Station (MSS). Other research and teaching apparatus, instrument, supplies, and consumables and chemicals are routinely included within the plans and budget of the School. the university provided the school with various capacity Lecture rooms. All are well equipped with the necessary lecturing materials and tools. 
specialized labs are available in the School of Basic and Marine Sciences and MSS for teaching: 1- Different Biology Courses 2- Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Courses. 3- Geology and Physics Courses. 4- Molecular Biology courses.   5- Zoology courses     6- Microbial​ courses   7-Botany courses    8- anatomy courses​
Besides, computer labs and GIS lab are available at the the School of Basic and Marine Sciences and are equipped with Genuine software and computers to serve the learning process. 
Research laboratories:
Various research laboratories are available in the MSS that are open for our students to serve the learning process and research purposes in the following fields: 1- Coral eco-physiology 2- Fishery 3- Benthos and Plankton 4- Chemistry 5- Physical oceanography 6- Aquaculture All these research labs are equipped with adequate and up-to-date instruments and equipments to serve our students for the practical application of the courses. Besides, using MSS logistics facilities for the purposes of training, teaching, field work and research, e.g. SCUBA diving unit, boat unit and aquarium.

School of Basic and Marine Sciences
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