Dean's message

On behalf of the school of Basic and Marine Science, I would like to welcome you to the school website.  The school is home for three departments in Marine Biology, Coastal Environment and Mathematics. The school offers three study programs including two Bachelor in Biology and Mathematics and one Masters in Marine Sciences.  The school has a team of competent and highly qualified faculty members, lecturers, lab supervisors, technicians and administrative staff who serve students in our school and the school of Nursing, in addition to university courses offered to all other students of the university.  The school provides all needed infrastructure and resources for students’ development such as the teaching and research laboratories, which help students in getting the best practice and applications of the theoretical knowledge gained in the courses. The research labs are hub for hosting many nationally and internationally funded research projects, which provide nursing grounds for creating junior researchers from the students who will become leading researchers for the development of our beloved Kingdom of Jordan.
The school has applied e-learning since its establishment and has recently applied blended and project-based learning approaches in accordance with situations related to the corona virus pandemic. We encourage the team work and self-learning approaches in all courses offered in the school in order to develop creativity in the way of thinking of our graduates. We seek to produce best qualified and competent graduates who are self-dependent and reliable persons in the labor market.
Prof. Dr. Fuad A. Al-Horani
Dean/School of Basic and Marine Sciences

School of Basic and Marine Sciences
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