School's Acheivements

Faculty Level27 Jan, 2019
National Monitoring Program (NMP)

Environmental Monitoring Program (NMP)...

Faculty Level26 Nov, 2018
ROV system

VideoRay ...

Faculty Level26 Nov, 2018
Hydraulic Equipments

Hydraulic equipments for underwater cleaning, coring, breaking and drilling.

Faculty Level27 Oct, 2014
Aqaba International Conference (AIC) on Marine and Costal Environment

 Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Jordan / Aqaba branch Organized the International Conference entitled "Aqaba International Conference on Marine and Coastal Environment" .  The theme of conference "Status and Challenges in the Arab World", during the period 27-29 / 10/2014 at the Intercontinental Hotel Aqaba, in collaboration with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority and with the participation of about 150 participants from 11 Arab and international state....

Faculty Level10 Feb, 2014
First National Seminar about Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development (ISCD)

First National Seminar about Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development (ISCD), organized by the authority of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASIZA) and United Nation Development Program (UNDP), 10/2/2014.

Faculty Level14 Jan, 2014
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Training Workshop, Organized by Jordan Environment Society

 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Training Workshop, Organized by Jordan Environment Society, 14/1/2014.

Faculty Level24 Oct, 2013
Workshop: the Current Status of Coral Reefs in the Gulf of Aqaba between the Past and the Present.

Workshop: the Current Status of Coral Reefs in the Gulf of Aqaba between the Past and the Present.
Organized by Marine Science Station in cooperation with Faculty of Marine Sciences, 24/10/2013.

Faculty Level10 Feb, 2013
Lecture: The Evolutionary Diversity and Ecological Complexity of Coral Reefs.

Lecture: The Evolutionary Diversity and Ecological Complexity of Coral Reefs.
Lecture: The Evolutionary Diversity and Ecological Complexity of Coral Reefs""
which organized by Faculty of Marine Sciences and National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian, USA, 10/2/2013

Faculty Level10 Feb, 2013
World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day
Participation in the World Tourism Day under the theme "Tourism and water conservation," which was organized by the authority of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone, on Wednesday 10/02/2013 .

Faculty Level27 Jan, 2013
Training course: "Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development"

Training course: "Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development", Phase 4. in Jordan.
Training course about "Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development" (ISCD) in Jordan (Phase 4), during period 27/1/2013- 7/2/2013.

Faculty Level03 Jan, 2013
Special Seminar about submission of draft European Union (TYMPUS)

Special Seminar about submission of draft European Union (TYMPUS) which took place on Thursday, 3/1/2013 at the University of Jordan Hall in Aqaba in the presence of President of the University of Jordan in Aqaba and the Deans of University Faculties and Faculty Members.

Faculty Level30 Dec, 2012
National workshop on Sustainable Management of Marine Resources.

National workshop on Sustainable Management of Marine Resources.
National workshop on Sustainable Management of Marine Resources.
Effect of Environmental Changes on Marine Migratory Species (Marine Turtles), 30/12/2012

Faculty Level20 Dec, 2012
Faculty of Marine Sciences Forum.

Faculty of Marine Sciences Forum
Faculty of Marine Sciences Forum 2011/2012.
Organized by students in  the Faculty of Marine Sciences / The University of Jordan- Aqaba Branch, in corporation with Marine Science Station to show the activities of faculty, 20/12/2012

Faculty Level25 Oct, 2012
Campaign "Our environment is Different"

Campaign "Our environment is Different"
Campaign "Our environment is Different" which organized by the authority of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASIZA) and the Faculty of Marine Sciences, during the period 25-29/10/2012.

Faculty Level27 Sep, 2012
Campaign "Clean Up the World"

Campaign "Clean Up the World"
Campaign "Clean Up the World" organized by the Royal Society for the Protection of the Marine Environment (JRED) in Aqaba and the Faculty of Marine Sciences, during the period 27-29/9 /2012.

Faculty Level03 Sep, 2012
Training Course: "Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development" Phase 2 in Sweden.

Training Course: "Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development" Phase 2 in Sweden.
Training course about "Integrated Sustainable Coastal Development" (ISCD) in MENA /Sweden (Phase 2), during period 3-21/9/2012...

Faculty Level26 Jun, 2012
Workshop on "Climate change and its impact on the eco-systems"

 Workshop on "Climate change and its impact on the eco-systems"
Workshop on "Climate change and its impact on the eco-systems", organized by the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASIZA) in collaboration with Marine Science Station (MSS), within the project (protect the coastal environment and marine biodiversity), 06/26/2012 ....

Faculty Level28 May, 2012
Participation in the membership of the judging panel for Eco-Schools program.

 Participation in the membership of the judging panel for Eco-Schools program
Eco-Schools program is one of a global enterprise software for environmental education (FEE)  which is sponsored in Aqaba by the Royal Marine Concervation Society of Jordan (JREDS).
The University of Jordan / Aqaba branch participate in the judging panel of Eco-Schools program, by choose Ms. Majduleen Sbaihat to become on of the membership of judging panel .
The jury visited schools that apply environmental standards, on Wednesday, 23/5/2012, was evaluated these schools.
Five schools won from the city of Aqaba. Green Flag were given to this schools during the ceremony organized by the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan, on Monday 28/5/2012 Hotel in the Gulf of Aqaba.

Faculty Level27 May, 2012
Participation in the launch of the project our shores is not for sale

Participation in the launch of the project our shores is not for sale
Joined the University of Jordan / Aqaba branch at the launch of the project our shores is not for sale, organized by the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan, on Sunday 27/5/2012 Intercontinental Hotel in Aqaba.

Faculty Level07 May, 2012
Memorandum of Understanding between the ADC and the Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Jordan / Aqaba Branch.

Memorandum of Understanding between the ADC and the Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Jordan / Aqaba Branch.
Signed a memorandum of understanding between the ADC and the Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Jordan Aqaba Branch,  Thursday, 17.05.2012 in the office of the authority of Aqaba Special Economic Zone and the presence of the Chief branch of the University of Jordan in Aqaba. Prof.  Reda Khawaldeh .
 Agreement was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Marine Sciences Prof. Ahmad Abu Hilal from Jordan University, and the Executive Director Engineer Ghassan Ghanem from ADC .
The signing ceremony under the patronage of the President the authority of Aqaba Special Economic Zone Engineer Nasser Madadha in the presence of a number of members of the faculty of Marine Sciences at the University.

Faculty Level10 Apr, 2012
Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Marine Sciences and the Center for Tropical Research Institute ZMT in Germany.

Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Marine Sciences and the Center for Tropical Research Institute ZMT in Germany.
Ceremony signing  a memorandum of understanding between the Faculty of Marine Sciences and the Center for Tropical Research Institute ZMT in Germany, 10/04/2012, in The University of Jordan / Aqaba Branch.

Faculty Level08 Apr, 2012
National Workshop to study the national contingency plan about oil spills in Jordan.

- United Nation Industrial Development Organization UNIDO.  ...

Faculty Level
Lecture: In title (The Diversity of Coral Reef : What are we missing and howwe can estimate it?)

Lecture: In title (The Diversity of Coral Reef : What are we missing and howwe can estimate it?), Organized by the Faculty of Marine Biology / The University of Jordan -Aqaba Branch, in corporation with SmithSonian Institution/ U.S.A....

Faculty Level
(National Workshop on Public Awareness and Outreach Concerning UP POPs)

(National Workshop on Public Awareness and Outreach Concerning UP POPs) Organized by Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PRESGA),
In corporation with:
- Faculty of Marine Sciences/ The University of Jordan- Aqaba Branch.
- Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority .
- United Nation Industrial Development  Organization UNIDO. 
Global Environmental Facility, GEF.    -
 - and International Ibn Hayyan Laboratories.

Faculty Level
Screening Environmental Film (Deep Down)

Screening Environmental Film (Deep Down)
"Deep Down" explores the quandary between an industry (coal) that has supported and sustained a region for generations, and the environmental damage this industry does through the practice of mountaintop removal.
 Organised by the Faculty of Marine Sciences / The University of Jordan- Aqaba Branch, in corporation with U.S. embassy.

Faculty Level
Signing of a memorandum of understanding on scientific cooperation with Mote Marine Laboratory.

Signing of a memorandum of understanding on scientific cooperation with Mote Marine Laboratory, Serasota, Florida, USA.
Signing of a memorandum of understanding on scientific cooperation between Faculty of Marine Sciences/ The University of Jordan- Aqaba Branch and Mote Marine Laboratory, Serasota, Florida, USA.

Faculty Level
Participation in the Meeting and training organized by the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS)

Participation in the Meeting and training organized by the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS)
Participate in the meeting and training organized by the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) in the period 4-7/3/2012 within the project our shores is not for sale is backed by  the Academy for Educational Development (AED)one of USAID programs in Jordan, was training at the headquarters of the Assembly in Aqaba and was in the area of tactics and methodology for advocacy....

Faculty Level
Regional Training Workshop on Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement of Ballast Water Management.

Regional Training Workshop on Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement of Ballast Water Management.
The Regional Organization for the Conversation of the environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) organized a regional workshop on Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement of Ballast Water Management ,by collaboration between the Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Jordan / Aqaba branch and the Jordan Maritime Authority and International Maritime Organization (IMO), on Monday and Tuesday 28-29/5/2012 in the University of Jordan / Aqaba branch.
 Participated in the workshop a number of delegations of Arab countries on the Red Sea (Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti) and the number of faculty members in the Faculty of Marine Sciences and a number of faculty students.

School of Basic and Marine Sciences
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